Wednesday, December 12, 2018

We have a logo!!!

Our logo is here!

A big heart can include all children in!!!

Our "With You With Everybody" logo.

After a voting event that lasted a week pupils and teachers from all partner schools decided for their logo.
It was decided that 50 pupils and 10 teachers from each school will vote for their favourite logo. The candidate logos were 24. Finally 195/240 succesful votes were submitted (81,25%).

The votes were distributed as following:

Our winner from Italy collected 34 votes. In second place a logo from Greece that collected 23 votes. In third place a Lithuanian one with 19 votes. Fourth place again for an Italian logo with 18 votes and fifth place for a Spanish logo with 16 votes. Finally it is important to say that all logos took at least one vote except for 2 of them.

It was a democratic process that all children enjoyed. Congratulations to all!!!